LISTEN! Listen to the voices: The moons must never wake!
Moons of Madness launches October 22nd! Take a peek at the all-new launch date announcement trailer below:
Moons of Madness is a first-person, story-driven cosmic horror game where the scientific exploration of Mars meets the supernatural dread of Lovecraft. You are Shane Newehart, chief engineer on an Orochi research facility 140 million miles away from home. Nothing could possibly go wrong, right? Right…?
Moons of Madness draws upon the rich lore and mythology of Secret World Legends – both games exist in the same thematic universe, but playing one is not required to love the other.
Add Moons of Madness to your Steam Wishlist today and get notified when the game releases on October 22nd! Mgah’ehye mgehye’lloig nafl’fhtagn!