June 20, 2018
First Anniversary Event: June 20 – July 11
You’re invited to the party! Take on the Talos of Gaia in Secret World Legends’ first anniversary spectacular! Claim new daily event login rewards, beat up some piñatas, dig through the exclusive Anniversary Cache, and discover brand-new Legends! The festivities begin June 20th and run through July 11. Just don’t spike the Gatekeeper’s punch!
Refer a Friend!
In the secret war against the supernatural, it’s dangerous to go alone. The Refer-a-Friend system is now available! You’ll be rewarded for inviting friends to join the fun, including Anima Shards and Distillates to pump up your weapons and gear. Recruit multiple friends to earn even more, including Cache Keys and the exclusive “Grim Glamour: Vampire” outfit!
- South Africa – New Dawn – Social pets will no longer attempt to attack the Day Shift Manager.
- Pets – Bird pets will no longer prevent interacting with nearby objects, vendors, auctioneers, etc
- Emotes – Added animation stance variations while sitting on the ground or seated on furniture (chairs, benches, etc). These variations can be accessed through the Emote Window > Stances.
- Seated: Crossed Arms – default
- Seated: Crossed Legs
- Seated: Crossed Arms And Legs
- Seated: Waiting
- Seated: Elegant (skirt friendly!)
- Sitting: Attentive – default
- Sitting: Lookout
- Sitting: Relaxed
- TSW Legacy – Added Suit Pants, Black to the Dressing Room for players who had this clothing transferred from The Secret World. This clothing has the same appearance as Spy Tux – Pleated tuxedo pants, black – Secret World Legends players can obtain the Spy Tux version.
- TSW Legacy – Players who had the old Deck Uniforms transferred from TSW (eg Magus, Crusader, Exorcist, etc) can now access these via the Dressing Room.
- TSW Legacy – Fixed TSW Deck Uniforms being wearable by the wrong faction.
- The Great Jinn Escape – Typo fixes
- Victor Cromely success text fits in Mission Report
- Special Agent Dossier: Faction Recruit and Agent Dossier: Aliya Zehhar are now able to be sold to vendors.
- True Believer – Fixed a case where it was possible to not get the achievement when reaching exactly 1000 points
- True Believer – Fixed a case where it was possible to not get the achievement when leaving the zone before the overseer finished talking
- Events – Effigy O33 Reconstructor no longer has collision with players
- Events – Effigy O33 Reconstructor’s Health has been doubled, and it now has innate damage reduction
- Events – Effigy O33 Reconstructor increased healing done by 10%